Smoking reduces the earnings of young workers


A new study featured in Nicotine & Tobacco Research reveals that smoking tobacco during early adulthood can significantly undermine both earnings and career development—particularly among individuals with lower educational attainment. The findings show that increases in the cumulative amount of cigarettes smoked, quantified in pack years, are linked to declines in annual earnings and shorter periods of employment.

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Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay

Drawing on data from 3,596 Finnish Cardiovascular Risk Study participants, the researchers tracked information starting in 2001, when participants were between 24 and 39 years old. The pack-years metric captures the cumulative effects of smoking on overall health and productivity. Each additional pack-year correlated with a 1.8% dip in income and a 0.5% decrease in employment duration. In contrast, cutting smoking by five pack-years was linked to a 9% rise in revenue.

The study also highlights notable disparities between smokers and non-smokers. Younger individuals—especially those with lower education levels—displayed the most substantial gap in earnings, whereas older workers showed a less pronounced difference. One possible explanation is that smoking, now less widespread among younger demographics, exerts a pronounced negative effect in contemporary society. Significantly, participants who quit smoking did not suffer these career-related drawbacks.

Jutta Vainikainen, lead author of the study, emphasizes:

“Smoking in early adulthood is strongly associated with long-term economic consequences, especially for people with lower levels of education. These findings underscore the importance of policies that address the hidden economic costs of smoking and encourage healthier behaviours.”

In light of these results, the authors stress the need to implement targeted smoking cessation initiatives among younger populations—particularly within vulnerable communities. Such programs reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other illnesses and foster improved economic prospects for individuals over the long term.уччю.

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Igor Foliush
In 1998 he graduated from the Lviv Institute of Physical Education Department of physical rehabilitation From 1998 to 2000 he was an intern at the Istituto Di MedicinaDello Sport Di Roma From 2000 to 2007 he worked as a physiotherapist at the Hospital Santa Maria della Stella (Orvieto) In 2007 he returned to Ukraine From 2007 to 2013 worked as a physiotherapist at the private pediatric clinic "Vita Puer" In 2013, he completed his master's degree at the Melitopol Institute of Ecology and Social Technologies In 2014, he founded the "Dr Foliush Massage Centre" where he works to this day


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