
Dr Folush Massage Centre

Our hands will take care of your back health !


Our team is made up of professional rehabilitation therapists and massage therapists

Complete care

Therapeutic massage covers a wide range of treatments.

Different types of massage

Relaxing (relaxation) massage, anti-cellulite massage

Home visit

Calling a baby masseur at home - for the comfort of your baby

Complete list of services

for high patient needs, specially designed for each case

Calling a children's massage therapist home

Using the services of a professional children’s massage therapist at home has become easier. Our massage center provides you, parents, with this opportunity.

Chest drainage massage

Massage cannot replace medical treatment, so it is only an addition to combat the disease. Suitable for clearing mucus from the bronchi.

therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage can help eliminate various problems and return the body to optimal balance, relieving overall muscle tension.

Kinesio taping

Kinesiotherapy is a fairly effective method that complements the arsenal of conservative means and technologies for rehabilitation.

Anticellulite massage

It is hardly possible to find a more popular procedure than massage. But few people know that its benefits lie not only in the effect of losing weight, but also in the overall improvement of skin health.

lymphatic massage

Lymphatic drainage massage - beauty and health in one bottle. Inside every person there is a system, the correct operation of which helps maintain our health - this is the lymphatic system.


A unique oriental method. As a result of acupressure, you can relieve pain, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, stop inflammatory processes in the body and even increase resistance to viruses.

cupping massage

The benefit of cupping massage is to improve lymph and blood circulation in tissues, skin, organs and provide them with nutrition.

Our team

Highly qualified specialists ready to provide the best

Folush Igor


Ilechko Galina

Massage therapist

Krilyshin Ruslan


What to do in case of severe pain?

Sometimes the patient may feel a situation of deep discomfort and pain, which may indicate the need for immediate medical attention. For this reason, we always have a doctor on call, ready to deal with this emergency situation. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you feel you are in an emergency!

Patient reviews

A good, smart doctor and an expert in his field.

Iryna Rozumijko

Very satisfied))) I recommend it to everyone!

Marta Harabara

The result is in your face!!! Thank you.

Zhenya Krokhmalna

Quality services ! Thank you !

Sergey Moroz

If you are our patient and would like to give us your feedback or if you just want to say "Hi", please follow us and contact us on the following platforms:

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Manastyrskoho St, 1, Lviv, Ukraine


+38 097 310 6408

